case studies
Cases by Topic
- Behavioral Services not Baker Act 1
- Discrimination on the Basis of Disability 6
- Discrimination on the Basis of Race 2
- Discrimination on the Basis of Sex Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation 5
- Drivers’ License Suspensions for Municipal Ordinance Violations 1
- Ensuring Due Process 7
- First Amendment 5
- Food Sharing is Not a Crime 2
- Government Accountability & Access to Courts 4
- High Quality Education 4
- Home & Community-based Medicaid Services 13
- Homeless 12
- Juvenile Justice 3
- LGBTQ Rights 3
- Mental Health 5
- Promoting Fairness and Due Process 7
- Property Sweeps 2
- Protecting Freedom of Speech 3
- Right to Ask for Help 3
- Right to Be in Public Places 2
- Sleeping is a Human Need 1
- Students with Disabilities 6
- Transgender Rights 2
Pride Community Ctr. of N. Ctrl. Fla. v. Ron Chambers Group, LLC
All people should be able to access places of public accommodation, including facilities that offer lodging, food, entertainment, health care, professional services, or recreation. However, federal and state law currently do not provide explicit protection from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity at places of public accommodation. Several cities and counties, including Gainesville, have added sexual orientation and/or gender identity as protected classes under local human rights ordinances to provide these protections.